hello lovelies! A couple weeks ago I got in
touch with Gemma to write a guest post on her blog, and I was so excited after
chatting away with her and deciding what my post was going to be about! After
exchanging a few emails Gemma suggested a post about my hopes and dreams for
2014, and I jumped at the chance. How exciting!?
So hi everyone, I’m Sarah from Sarah’s
little world! And I’m very excited to do this guest post (I’ve not written for
someone else’s blog before), you may want to know the basics…20 years old,
third year university student, obsessed with Disney and photography, and my
blog reflects on what I love, buy and get up to during my hectic life as I
complete my degree in Media & Communications and Counselling Skills (crazy
combination, I know).
I got thinking about my hopes & dreams
and the fact that 2014 is going to be a very big year for me, so what a perfect
way to prepare myself for these than write all about them. Hmm my hopes and
dreams for the next year? I hope everything I want goes to plan? But that
wouldn’t happen exactly would it? Not everything goes the way we want, so
here’s how I want things to work out, a little background on my life and
possibly bits of rambling.
So my hopes for this year, come as ideas of
what will happen in my relationship, how I want my birthday to be celebrated,
how I want to enjoy my final year of university and also graduation (fingers
crossed ey), and all the little things I want to accomplish throughout the next
my relationship; in march, me and my boyfriend will
be celebrating two years together, which is crazy!? I sometimes find myself in
my own thought bubble and start thinking about how I’m with someone like him,
and now I have to get my head round the fact that he’s put up with me for two years
my birthday; again, in march me and my boyfriend
will be celebrating our 21st’s within days of each other, which I
think makes our birthdays extra special that they’re so close. So even though
I’m super excited, I better get thinking about what to buy him already (because
he’s so picky). I’m secretly hoping that I can find a way to have a joint
celebration and to maybe have a huge party filled with all family and
friends…he’s not too keen on the idea so maybe it’ll just be me that had the

my education; it’s the final stretch now, a few
months left, a handful of modules and a couple thousand words left and it’s all
over. Being at university has been a
very difficult challenge for me over the last few years and now it’s almost at
an end I’m very focused and excited. I’m just hoping I get the grades I need
and by October 2014 I’ll be stood in my cap and gown accepting my degree
certificate and making myself and my family proud of what I’ve achieved…I mean
for most people that’s exactly what university is about isn’t it!?

my career; now university is almost over it’s time
to consider what’s my next move and that’s the scary bit. I’ve never been clued
up on what I want to happen in the future and honestly its probably going to
have no connection to the subjects I’ve studied for the last few years. But if
I could have a dream job then I have a few ideas that include, being a
photographer. I’ve enjoyed photos and capturing ‘the moment’ for years and
always hoped to make it my profession, so I’m considering once uni is over to
take some classes and grab as many friends as possible and start sorting out a
portfolio and a plan. Also over the years I’ve really enjoyed anything creative
or design orientated, so I’m hoping to find something in interior design or get
involved with houses, whether it be designs or sales. I think they’re very far
fetched ideas but its definitely a dream of mine to attempt.
I guess this is a two-part post. Because those
are the things that will be happening and I want them to go exactly how I’m
hoping they will but there’s also my dreams;
the endless list of things I’ve wanted to do for years and haven’t! For some
reason, 2014 seems like the best year to try them out. With university coming
to an end it’s time to find some exciting things to plan, in a sort of celebration
of the end of this chapter in my life.
Starting off, I want to go on loads of
weekend trips away; I’m currently thinking of a weekend away to Brighton
(obviously in the summer) as it looks so pretty and I really want to few days
away in Disneyland Paris with my boyfriend, I love all things Disney and
getting away to Paris is so romantic! I’d also love to continue blogging as I
find it my little hobby, but hopefully by this time next year, I’ve become more
confident with what I write and my exposure to it and that I continue to talk
and make friends with so many lovely people within the blogging world.
Thanks so much everyone for reading my post
(I hope I didn’t bore you too much), and thanks Gemma for letting me do this
and I hope I didn’t disappoint. I hope you all enjoyed my post and I’d love if
you all popped over to my blog, to see more of me.
Hope you’re all doing well and this gets
you thinking of all the hopes and dreams you have throughout 2014, plus I’d
love to hear them, so leave us a little comment below.