Monday, 28 October 2013

Motivational Monday #30

I can’t believe there have been 30 of these posts! It’s crazy! I started these posts with the theory that it would motivate me and keep me positive. I wanted to look for the good in things instead of the negative and just in general, smile more! So how’s it worked out I hear you all asking? Well, I actually think it’s worked! I feel that I have a much more positive perspective on life. Yes I have my ups and downs, I am only human but I am working it through and I feel like I am definitely much happier! Therefore I am going to continue them for a while yet.
As I mentioned in last week’s motivational Monday post I’ve been feeling a little sensitive lately, for no real reason I just am. I’m finding myself looking into things too much and taking things a little too personally. It’s not a healthy way to be, I don’t enjoy it so I am determined to change!
I HEART THIS QUOTE! I am tempted to get a massive print out of it. Why do we care so much about what others think? Why is there opinion so important? At the end of the day who are they to judge us? We are all so much better than that, which is what I am going to keep reminding myself this week. I am who I am and I’m a tiger!
Happy Monday Lovelies!


  1. you are my life saviour, i have been trying to work out what this quote was for literally about two weeks! Such a burden has been lifted haha. I love this idea, to like inspire people on a monday(worst day) and that! I enjoyed reading it.

    Kassie -

  2. This is one of my favourite quotes. Love it
    Jenn | Photo-Jenn-ic


  3. Hi love thanks for leaving your link @ABritishSparkle. I really like your blog and I'm now following. Love the stuff your blog stands for and I also love reading and writing really looking forward to more book reviews and posts from you x

  4. I really love this quote (: It made me laugh but it also made me think about how other people's opinion of me effecst me and why

  5. Great post from a great blogger - am following


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