Friday, 8 November 2013

BOOK CLUB TAKEOVER: Jen from 'English Rose from Manchester'

Here are my thoughts… I LOVE hearing other people’s views and reviews on pretty much anything especially books! Some of my favourite reads are ones that have been suggested by other people. So thinking along those lines,’ The Book Club Takeover’ was born! Hopefully each week I will bring to you a post from one of my lovely and amazing fellow bloggers who will in turn share with you what their favourite book is, why they love it and a review. I hope you enjoy this feature as much as I pdo!

Hi, I’m Jen and I’m a creative sort of person currently living in Manchester. I do all sorts of things in my spare time and my lifestyle blog English Rose from Manchester started out as an outlet to talk about all the things that matter to me. I like to keep it varied and my posts range from crafts and baking inspiration to fashion and beauty, as well as sharing the joys of living in Manchester!
My favourite book is Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, and one of the main reasons I love it so much is that it’s the book that got me into reading again. It also encouraged me to try different sorts of books – which is great as I definitely went through a “chick lit” rut at one point.
Gone with the Wind sat on my bookshelf for years before I felt the urge to read it, because I wasn’t particularly overwhelmed by the film (very long, pretty dull, annoying characters) – plus the book is very long and the type is tiny, but when I finally I devoured this epic historical romance I totally fell in love with it! It’s the story of the Deep South during the American Civil War, and it really transported me there, genuinely conveying what life was like; the attitudes and feelings of the people; and how a way of life was drastically changed by the war.
I didn’t find the feisty, selfish heroine Scarlett O’Hara annoying like I did when watching the film. She really came alive on paper, and I admired her strength of will and passion. She’s exactly the sort of heroine I love to read about. I found her love story itself to be incredibly romantic in a way that I’ve not really found in more contemporary books, and the dashing Rhett Butler really is an exciting, multi-dimensional hero, and one who kept my interest as a love interest (I can’t stand Mr Perfect characters in books).  
But really the true story of the book is about a time and place in history, and I was so moved by it that I was still thinking about this book weeks after finishing it. It was a real experience and I enjoyed every minute! It’s not often I’m genuinely sad that a book is over!

1 comment:

  1. Gone With The Wind is one of my favourite books, I really love Scarletts determination and strength and the fact that most of the characters in the book have realistic flaws.

    I'm really enjoying the bookclub takeover. I think it's a wonderful way to share stories you love, and to introduce new blogs (and books) to your readers! Such a fab idea

    As someone who loves readers I'd love it if one day I could be involved!

    Get in touch if you'd like me to be involved. I'm found at Simply Roxilicious!


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