Monday, 9 September 2013

Motivational Monday #25

Please excuse the dodgy picture, I wanted to share this quote with you but all I had with me was my phone in dodgy lighting! However you can read it so that’s what counts! This quote is so fitting for me right now and really hit a nerve when I saw it. At the moment or I guess actually for a while now I’ve been in a little bit of a rut not really know what I want to do or where I want to go. Well that’s what I’ve been telling everyone anyway, I actually desperately want to travel but am scared of making those steps by myself (I’ve always travelled with my ex or friends before) It’s that stepping into the great unknown and in all honesty it scares the shit out of me! I can throw so many what if questions out there.
I also want to write, in a dream world my life would revolve around travelling and writing. I’ve started writing a book and I am probably a quarter of the way through but I hit a massive wall of lack of confidence and put it aside. What would my friend think if they knew I wrote a book? What if its crap? What if I’m delusional?
You get my drift! Well by Christmas I want to have at least booked a flight SOMEWHERE and made more progress with book. I think it could be good, I get a massive buzz when I write it, in my dreams it could be a success. So back to today’s Monday motivational quote, I don’t want to get old with regrets. I want to achieve things, I want to be happy and I don’t want to worry when I should be out there living!
What do you dream about doing? Do you worry about the ‘what ifs’ like I do? I think we should make a pact to turn things around
Happy Monday, I wish you all a positive and fun week!


  1. I can't say enough how much I can relate to this post, it was a reason that I started my blog as I didn't know what I wanted to do so I filled my time with something I was interested in until I found what it is I want. You don't have to travel alone, you can book expeditions to places with big groups of people, I just googled 'find groups to travel with' and this came up but obviously there's the whole safety thing with meeting up with strangers, or you could advertise for travel companions locally or ask people you know, you might be surprised other people might have similar ideas to you! Also about the writing thing, I've tried and tried to write too and gave up before the end of one chapter so to say you have a quarter is amazing! My boyfriend wants to be a writer and as almost finished one book, he's currently writing more and he admits it's embarrassing and nerve racking when he let's me read his work but he's shown a few of his friends and he says the feedback he received is so helpful, so don't give up on it stick to it and show someone, chances are they'll be super supportive or if not you could post a small extract on your blog without giving too much away so people can't take your ideas. Just enough to see your writing style and a feel for the characters and story. I hope this helps :)

    1. Hi Lovely, its really nice to know others can relate to this. I am determined to do some form of travelling, not heard of that website so will take a look now! Ive just got this massive fear that if I don't do it in the next year I never will! I think my friends have had me waffling on about travelling for years now and don't think im ever going to go! Time to prove them wrong!
      Thanks for sharing with me about your boyfriends writing. I think im going to try the same and share a bit of what I have with friends. it sounds silly but I find writing such a personal thing that its a bit scary to think of sharing it with others. I am definitely going to keep plodding on with it though! I am aiming to have completed it by Christmas! Then I might share snippets on here!
      Thank you again for your lovely comment and support xxx

  2. I need a copy of this quote on my wall!
    I can so relate to your post though, I've always wanted to travel the world and next year is the only chance I'll get to do it, but I'm too scared to even go and look at brochures!
    Keep going with the book, not many people can say they've written a book and at the end of the day even if you're the only one reading it, you've done something that makes you happy and achieved more than most other people will have, so keep writing and good luck :)

    I'm up for this pact! Great post, I'm really motivated and slightly less scared now, so thank you :)


    The Shelley Diaries

    1. Haha I am tempted to print it off and pin it somewhere for a constant reminder!
      That's what im thinking, if I don't go within the next year I never will! Where do you want to go to? Perhaps we can boost each other along to book something and go! I think its the fear of the unknown that stops us! However I don't want to miss out either!
      Thanks for the lovely words about my book, I hadn't thought of it in the perspective that as long as it makes me happy who cares! Its so true!


    2. It's true, I'm the same! My problem is I want to go everywhere! I'd love to travel across America and visit, Australia, NZ, Thailand, Bali, Hong Kong, Japan which I'd try and do in one trip. Then I've always wanted to travel Europe, but considering its so close I figured you can quite easily pop there for a long weekend or weeks holiday. Where do you want to go?

      That's alright and true it's my excuse for pretty much everything!


    3. South America and New Zealand are definitely top of my list! xxx

  3. I want to do more things and stop worrying so much. I think this is a really encouraging post. I think by January I will have some sort of plan as to what I'll be doing in 2014, as right now I have no clue and it's getting me down a bit :(

    1. Thank you lovely! I think for me its about taking action and stop dithering about things! I need to face my fears and move forward.

      Don't let it get you down hun, I think you need to go through times like that in order to appreciate it more when you figure out what you want to do. Just make sure whatever you do, its for you and it makes you happy :) xxx

  4. I love this quote - perfect motivation on a monday! :)

    Maria xx

  5. I can relate to that quote/this post so much! Last year I booked a solo trip to Australia and it was honestly one of the best things I've ever done. Sometimes you just have to take a chance, live life on the edge and see what happens.

    also, don't let anybody tell you what you can and can't do. Write your book, who cares what your friends think and then do your best to get it out there. It's a great achievement to finish a book I think! I've also got dreams of being a writer, a journalist really, and have only just decided to follow them!

    This is a great post. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you lovely! I am definitely on a mission at the mo to do things I love and aim for my dreams! xx

  6. Love this quote! I can really relate. A lot of the time I do the "safe" thing because I get nervous about trying and failing at something new!

  7. My friend went backpacking around Europe on his own, my cousin went to Peru and Australia for months and they said its the best thing they have ever done, and it was on their own! You might find some natural beauty remedies when you're exploring! Good luck!x

    1. So true!! Ive not heard anyone ever say they regretted travelling. I am getting there, just need to sort out my savings! xx


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