Monday, 23 September 2013

Motivational Monday #26

I am massively sorry for the lock of posts this past week, I went on a hen weekend to Butlins last week and I think Butlins broke me! I was suffering all week with an extended hangover followed by an absolute corker of a cold. Therefore all I have done is go to work and come home and sleep! This has resulted in a massive fail in my attempt at #blogyoursocksoffseptember.
After finally feeling human again by Friday, I had a lovely fun filled weekend catching up with some of my awesome friends. It feels so good to be starting this week feeling fresh and half with it! I think today’s quote is quite fitting, I am determined to have a happy, full of fun week and it is completely down to me to make that happen!
Happy Monday Lovelies! xx


  1. Aw to bad to hear about your hangover and cold!
    I gotta check out that #blogyoursocksoffseptember, I´ve been looking for a fun blog challenge, to give me my motivation back..:) Do you have any tips on other fun "challenges?" I mean, since we´re already on the 23rd, I guess there´s no use starting a september challenge:P Or maybe.. I just want my blogging mojo back ^^ Hope you had a lovely weekend! New follower btw:) xx

  2. I love that quote! Perfect motivation for a dull Monday morning!

    Jenn | Photo-Jenn-ic


  3. Wise words mate (to be read with an Aussie twang!) hope you're more or less recovered from Butlins and snot.
    I made it here from last nights #lbloggers chat! glad I did-love the blog :o)
    M x Life Outside London

  4. Welcome back! :) LOOOOVE the quote!! x

  5. Great quote! I hate hangovers that just don't seem to pass, colds don't help!


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