Tuesday, 7 July 2015

IM BACK // Creating a balance between blogging and real life

So you may have noticed I have been on a little hiatus! It was unintentional, one week just seemed to turn into four! My poor little blog has had dead air for a while and I hold my hands up to say I've been neglecting it. Sad times! 

Have you ever struggled between blogging and balancing you your real life? I really feel there isn’t enough hours in the day for all the things I love lately and it really stresses me out. I want to blog, I love to blog but when I blog I tend to put my everything into it, it becomes my sole hobby. However lately, or looking back most of this year I have had so much on, I have had many weekends away, I’ve been spending time trying new things, catching up with friends and upped my exercising from doing nothing to doing six sessions a week. Throw in a full time job and a part time one on top and it leaves me with very little free time and feeling exhausted!

Don’t get me wrong I love all the things I do and I feel so lucky and grateful for all that I do. My issue is blogging, when I blog I want to put everything into it and I like consistency, I like to post good quality posts a few times a week. If I can’t give it 100% then there is no point….

….so I’m an idiot! It’s such a load of rubbish! I feel like I’ve had an epiphany! I feel like along the way I’ve lost the real reasons I blog. I blog because I love to write, I love to type away in my tiny little space on giant World Wide Web! And most of all I blog for me and if I don’t blog every other day then so what! I want to blog and it doesn’t matter if I miss a few days or a few weeks, my blogs like an old friend, it’s always here to come back to! 

So welcome to the brand new ‘Lipsticks and Lashes’! I am taking the pressure out of it, I am going to blog when I want, and I am going to enjoy it! I’m going to shake it up post wise too! There will be less beauty reviews and more lifestyle posts and a little of whatever I fancy.

So this is a bit of a waffle pot but I guess what I want to say is I'm back and if you’re reading this thank you for sticking with me!


  1. Welcome back! I feel your pain! I love blogging but sometimes I put so much pressure on myself to have his amazing post. Thanks for being real! I hope you had a great four weeks off :) Looking forward to your "waffle pot" posts more often :)

    1. Haha thank you lovely! Hows you? Still enjoying your relocation? xx

  2. I think we all struggle with this, once in a while; we're constantly piling pressure on ourselves to blog consistently, but it's not always realistic - and blogging when you feel like it is better than never blogging at all because it feels like a chore!
    Welcome back to blogging though lovely xx
    francesca | on-thebias | lifestyle, beauty, fashion

    1. so true! its all about finding a happy medium! which i put my hands up, i am pretty rubbish at! Determined to make blogging fun again! xxx


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