Saturday, 31 December 2016

Oh 2016, you beast...

Oh 2016, you fucker. Before you think I’m going to start on about all the celebrity losses we’ve had this year, fear not, that’s not where I’m going with this at all. I’m sat here in my pyjamas lamenting over the end of this year and what I want from life in general for the next one.

I feel like 2016 has been a bit of a blurgh kind of year, I wanted to say it won’t be one that stands out for anything in particular but after speaking to my sister who is pretty frank with me, it ain’t all been bad. The year started pretty awesomely with my 30th birthday (I’m still horrified that I’m 30), I went with a big group of friends to Dublin for the weekend and it was such a blast! Full of Irish dancing, Guinness and laughs. I also met a man this summer and got my dream job in September which I am loving. However my mum has been seriously ill which has been stressful and had a big knock on to my own health. I’ve been poorly for about 3 months with my thyroid and have zero energy and motivation which has been horrendous as isn’t me at all.
Over all I feel that this year has been hard and a little stagnant and ive been pretty lost. So 2017, I’m coming for you, I want to make you a year that I remember for all the right reasons, that I laugh till I wet myself on a regular basis, that I spend time in the moment, that I appreciate all the small things. I feel that I have been ploughing through life lately with no real reason other than to get through the day. I want to stop and enjoy life and that’s the plan for 2017. Nothing big just being grateful for all the good things in lif


  1. "I feel that I have been ploughing through life lately with no real reason other than to get through the day" WOW I relate to this so much! Here's hoping we both find some motivation to change things in 2017.

    1. Fingers crossed lovely! Determined to focus and set some goals for myself xx


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