Monday, 2 February 2015

Motivational Monday // February


Welcome to Februarys motivational Monday post! If you caught my changes post a couple of weeks ago you’ll know that I have decided that instead doing a motivational Monday post every week I will not only be doing them on the first Monday of every month. They are one of my favourite posts to do and remind me to take stock and appreciate things a hell of a lot more, I find them therapeutic. However I was getting a bit bored of doing weekly ones and wanted to break my blogging habits and shake things up around here a lot more!
Today’s quote is all about taking charge of your own happiness! It is true, so many outside influences can impact our lives but at the end of the day we are in control of how we react to things and how we feel. So it’s up to us to choose happiness! I am determined this month to wake up each morning and decide to be happy. To try and smile more, laugh a hell of a lot more and just be a jolly old soul! Happiness spreads happiness and I love seeing other people with smiles on their faces!
Happy Monday lovelies!


  1. I love this quote - it really reminds me that I can choose to be happy, and my happiness is not something controlled by other people. Sure they can add to it, but they shouldn't be allowed to take it away! Good luck with your month of happiness!

    little miss fii || Fii x

  2. Beautiful quote! Thank you for sharing :)

    Jennifer x

  3. Even though I'm reading this on a Tuesday, I'm still loving this quote :) x
    Paige x


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