Wednesday, 11 February 2015

The Single Girls Guide to Valentines Day

Being single on Valentine’s Day can sometimes suck! You get all the loved up couples rubbing it in your face and you often end up feeling more single than ever. Well I’m here to tell you that we single girls can have a bit of fun ourselves on cupid’s big day, so here are 5 suggestions for the single girl on Valentine’s Day....

  • Forget the stress of getting ready for a big date, let’s face it, it is stressful finding the perfect outfit and getting your hair just right. Instead make V Day all about YOU! Crack open a bottle of wine, run a hot bubble bath then throw on a onesie and indulge in some chocolates.  PERFECT!
  • Grab all your single pals and head to the most romantic restaurant in town. Who says you need to be in a relationship to enjoy and yummy candle lit meal?
  • Throw a slumber party for all the single ladies! Watch funny films make cocktails, laugh a ridiculous amount!
  • Send yourself some flowers, make then anonymous and spend the whole day who querying who sent them to you! Who doesn’t love a mystery and it will make all your boring coupled up friends a little jel.
  • My personal favourite, star fish in bed! Enjoy having the whole bed to yourself, no sharing!


  1. These ideas are great, when I was single I was the wine, bubble bath and chocolate girl (or ice cream) I had a blast.

  2. Star fishing the bed is heaven! Nothing else compares to the feeling of inappropriately spreading all your limbs without a care in the world!
    Loved reading this post. :)
    Girl in a Whimsical Land

  3. Love all these ideas! I'm off out with my best girl mates on Saturday to have a few cocktails and a boogie.
    Will then definitely be star fishing in bed the next day!

  4. Sounds good! The best single Valentines day I had was at church where they hosted a Valentines ball- it was SO much fun! We all got dressed up in our best evening gowns, had an amazing bring and share dinner, we had music and I even sang some show songs too!x

  5. Great ideas! I think if I was single I'd spend time with my Mum and take her out for the evening; I'll be sending her some flowers for sure. I think people forget that it's a day to appreciate the love you share with anyone special, not just someone you're necessarily in a relationship with!

    Alice Grace Beauty


  6. GREAT ideas, going out with mates is so fun the single ones of course haha or pampering at home <3 xx

    Blonde Of Carbs


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