Friday, 8 May 2015

April's Health and Fitness Roundup

Welcome to April’s instalment of my monthly health and fitness updates, you can check out last month’s here. The idea behind these posts is to keep me focused and on track, so here is how April went...

Still having issues when it comes to my diet! It has definitely improved since I started my new job as I have to be a bit more organised and take food with me so I have been taking in salads for lunch, rice cakes, bananas and nakd bars for snacks. I have also been eating breakfast! This has been a huge deal for me, I haven’t eaten breakfast in years as it makes me feel a bit sick the thought of food in the morning. However I have been trying to be good and I’m determined to eat breakfast so I’ve been having a small bowl of porridge before I go to work. So week days I’m getting there but it all seems to go a little to pot by the weekends! I am going back to weight watchers this month and hoping that will keep me focused and on track!

Exercise done in April...
Boot camp x 11 sessions
Rowing x 3 sessions (3 hours)
Runs x 9

I made all but one boot camp sessions this month which is a huge achievement for me! I can even hold a plank for a minute now and I can see my fitness has improved so much by going to the circuit sessions. I’m really pleased with my progress! In terms of running I’m still very much a ‘run for a few minutes / walk for a few minutes’ runner, which stresses me out as I run, feel like I can’t breathe so walk. It hacks me off as I just want to run! I don’t know if this is a psychological thing or not?! I really want to crack this and be a runner! Anyone else have this problem or experienced it? I did a colour run this month which was incredible! I would definitely recommend it, so much fun! Determined to stay on track and make running fun, I’ve also signed up to do a gunge run in June with some friends I went to uni with. Its 5k and at every kilometre you run through a gunge bath!! I can’t wait! Think it’s going to be hilarious! Oooh and my sponsorship pack for my 10k in September arrived this week which has also inspired me to keep going and try to conquer this challenge!

Progress this month...

Loss in March in inches
Total Loss in inches
Left Thigh
Right Thigh
Left Arm
Right Arm

Weight loss this month:   0lbs
Total weight loss:   9lbs

With the amount of exercise I’ve been doing I feel a bit gutted that I’ve hit a bit of a plateau this month in terms of weight loss and inches lost. However I do think I need to get the diet side of this under control, which is my next challenge!


  1. Same here - hit a plateau. It's been frustrating but I'm trying to manage to pull myself out. My findings: No matter how hard you work at the gym if you don't keep an eye on your diet it doesn't work so also focusing on that.

    Keep it up!

    Sarah @ Pretty Gloss ♥ beauty, makeup & a bit of life..
    [New Post] Pretty Picks for Mother's Day

  2. I still think, despite your plateau disappointment, that you have done brilliantly to do all that exercise AND make lynch and eat brekkie. The only exercise I do is walk 2-3 miles on weekdays between station and home/school, split into 4 parts. Well done! You are making your heart healthy at the bare minimum!x


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