Sunday, 12 April 2015

Dating Disasters #2

I wrote THIS post back in January about my foray into the world of dating and what a disaster it was, well there’s a lot more to the story now so make yourself a cuppa, get comfy and let me update you!

So the guy I went on a date with back in January, a few days after writing the original post and about a week after the date and hearing absolutely zero from him. Well I met up with a friend for lunch and was telling her the story and I showed her a picture of him and it turns out she knows his girlfriend, yes you read that right, GIRLFRIEND! I still can’t believe it, so many people are on dating sites how did he think he could get away with that?! Some men are jerks!!

So after that I took a hiatus from dating, not that one date throws me back out there fully! Life’s been pretty hectic but the past couple of weeks I decided to stop being a complete relationship phobic and try and put myself back out there. So back onto plenty of fish I went, I’ve been chatting to a few guys, none of whom have wowed me. Where the hell are all the nice single hot guys hiding?

One guy, not particular nice to look at (yes I know that sounds awful but I do believe there needs to be an attraction and you need to find them hot!) but was nice to chat too, he randomly tried to add me on facebook. I know you may think that sound like I’m being dramatic and that it seems like a normal thing to do.  Well I would normally agree but I plenty of fish profile doesn’t contain my name and I hadn’t given my full name to him. I queried him on this and he replied that he used to be a body guard and can find anyone who doesn’t want to be found?!! Creepy!

So last Sunday I braved it and went on a date, not with the creepy guy, a different one, we had been chatting for a little while and agreed to meet in Costa for a coffee. Firstly never meet in Costa for a coffee! It was super busy, we were wedged between buggies and grannies gossiping. It was really noisy, hard to hear what was being said and the least relaxing environment you. Oh and I don’t even drink coffee!

Hmm where to start? Well he was late which is annoying, especially on a first date. If any of my friends are reading this, yes I know I’m a hypocrite! I am always late but not to dates!! When he arrived he didn’t look much like his picture and was super short, I mean ridiculously short! I am 5ft 2, I am a Shorty so I don’t look at peoples heights on their profile as 99% of the time everyone is taller than me!  He must have been 4ft something! When I got home I double checked and he had put 5ft 5 as his height, there is exaggerating the truth and then there is exaggerating! I like my men tall and I mean really tall 6ft plus, I also need to consider my future children I don’t want them to suffer with my height deficiency! Then on the actual date all he spoke about was himself! Not one single question about anything else! It was a complete yawn fest!

So that is my update! I am 4 months into the New Year and my resolution of putting myself out there and back into the dating world isn’t going to well! All I have learnt so far is that dating is hard work, I don’t enjoy it, and it feels fake. I want to just bump into a TALL, good looking man who makes me belly laugh and we click. Is that asking for the impossible?! 

1 comment:

  1. You have to remember there is someone out there for everyone. Don't give up hope and soon your prince Charming will come. I hope you get that much needed boost of good luck :) x

    Kate | A British Sparkle


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