Monday, 7 July 2014

Motivational Monday #21

This quote means so much to me right now. I am stuck in a massive rut, there are certain parts of my life that I am deeply unhappy with and desperately need to change. I am completely at a loss as to how to do this thought! However I know I am the one keeping me from making this happen, I think I am scared of the unknown and of changes in general. Saying this I know I need to make changes and need to work out how to do this, and I am the only who can do it!!
I need to give myself a kick up the butt this week, I need to start changing things up and I’m determined to also have a fun, happy positive week!
Happy Monday lovelies!


  1. I can totally relate to you. This is so inspiring!


  2. This is great, it's made me realise that I'm the only one that can really change something I'm unhappy with!



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